Native Ads vs Banner Ads : Which is More Effective?

native ads vs banner ads

Once you’ve picked the right niche and have your website set up, it’s time to make money off your hard work and commitment. A great way to start making money online is through advertising, but knowing which ads are most effective can be tricky if you’re unfamiliar with the different types of advertising methods. Let’s take a look at native ads vs banner ads and see which method performs better in terms of format, performance, revenue, and more.

How are Native Ads Different From Banner Ads?

When it comes to digital advertising, there are two main types of ads – native ads and banner ads. So, what’s the difference between the two? 

Here’s a quick guide on Native Ads vs Banner Ads: Native Ad (at least one of these words or phrases) They have more control over their ad’s appearance, design, and context than display ads do. 

They can lead directly to product pages on sites that sell products from a brand instead of directing people to another site with an advertiser’s logo or message. 

Native ad formats include but are not limited to product-centered native ads like e-commerce product cards or articles about brands and company news. 

Banner Ad (at least one of these words or phrases): · Most common type of ad online because they’re inexpensive to make and serve well on mobile devices. 

Display ads usually show up in text or graphic form in a website’s content area. Unlike other types of web banners, social media banners sometimes allow for image links back to other websites and profiles. However, most display banners only provide links back to websites with more information about the featured offer. In contrast, native ads often promote advertisers’ own products or services without linking out to external sites at all.

 Some examples of popular Native Ad formats include: Product card; Sponsored content; Articles & posts; Deals & promotions; Offers & deals; Social content; Special offers/discounts; Video advertisements were also used as video web banners that run before, during, or after video content. 

Web banner ads may come in many different shapes and sizes – rectangular vertical or horizontal banners, large square ones called skyscrapers, wide skyscraper ads called wide band displays or fat heads. Web banner ads can also be animated GIFs shown either alone or as part of a sequence of GIFs with sound. 

Ad Formats 

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a native ad and a banner ad? If so, you’re not alone. These two ad formats are often confused, because they both appear on websites and can be used to promote products or services. However, there are some key differences between them that you should be aware of. First, let’s discuss format.

 A banner ad is typically rectangular in shape and appears at the top or bottom of your browser window (although it may take up any amount of space). It is static in design, meaning it does not have interactivity with a website visitor.

 In contrast, a native ad appears within the web content you might find one within an image carousel, for example and has interactivity with website visitors. For example, if someone clicks on an embedded video clip that contains a native ad while browsing your site, they will go directly to YouTube instead of opening up another tab in their browser window as they would if clicking on an external link from another site like Facebook or Twitter.

 Native ads also offer more customization than display ads. You can include images, videos, sounds, animations, buttons, links, etc., whereas web banner ads only contain text and basic images. Native ads also have higher engagement rates than traditional display banners because they are incorporated into the page content.

Performance – Where do they Work Best?

It’s important to consider where your ad will have the most impact. Native banner ads are more effective when they’re placed within the content of a website or app, as they blend in with the surrounding text and images. 

This makes them less intrusive than display ads, which can be seen as disruptive by users.  They also perform better on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, because people are often scrolling through their feeds looking for interesting content to interact with. On the other hand, banners don’t work well on desktop web browsers that don’t take up much space (e.g., small screens), so it may be worth considering native ads instead if you want more visibility for your company. 

There are plenty of web banner ad examples on the internet that show different types of banners, how many there are per page, and how long they stay up before fading away.

Revenue – Are They Cost-Effective?

When it comes to revenue, native ads are more effective than banner ads. Native ads are more expensive, but they also perform better. In fact, native ads can generate up to three times the amount of revenue as banner ads. Plus, native ads are less likely to be ignored by users. 

 There’s a lot more visual variety in them, and they’re easy to skim over without noticing – at least initially. They blend in with other content on a website, which means that if you’re looking for something specific, you might not even notice that there’s an ad next to it. 

Banners are less profitable for advertisers because of their position on a page. Even though banners provide higher click-through rates (CTRs), because people know what banners are and tend to ignore them when scrolling down a page, this high CTR doesn’t translate into increased conversions or sales volume.


Both native ads and banner ads have their pros and cons, but ultimately it comes down to what will work better for your specific business goals. If you’re looking for better performance and higher revenue, native ads are the way to go. However, if you’re on a tight budget, banner ads may be a better option. Ultimately, the best way to decide is to experiment with both and see what works best for your audience.